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Videos / Видео > GC2008: Risen Q&A with english subtitles
Название: GC2008: Risen Q&A with english subtitles
Автор: Deep Silver/foobar
Добавлено: 17.09.2008 18:51
Просмотров: 18512
Всех скачиваний: 5883
Описание: Piranha Bytes' last appearance at the Games Convention in Leipzig at 08-23-2008. Recording of the Risen presentation with questions and answers by fans. Questions were answered by Kai Rosenkranz, Mike Hoge, Björn Pankratz, Stefan Kalveram and Philip Krause.

You can download either one:
  • GC2008_Risen_QA_engsub_v3.zip
    the complete movie, recoded with subtitles
  • gc_risen_qa_v3.zip
    only the subtitles themselves as a standalone textfile in SRT format for reading or usage with the unsubbed trailer

You do not need to download both! If you're not sure which one to pick, choose the complete movie or check the forum thread for details.

Thanks to foobar for the subtitles.

Ссылка Размер Скачиваний
GC2008_Risen_QA_engsub_v3.zip 81.25 MB 3730
gc_risen_qa_v3.zip 8 KB 2153