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Название: Risen Text Adventure
Автор: diego_pmc
Добавлено: 11.06.2009 23:45
Просмотров: 18582
Всех скачиваний: 7782

A Fan-Made Text-Based Game

The author wrote about:
A little while ago I decided to try and make a 1970s style text-based game, in order to test and improve my programming skills. I decided to place the story in the world of Risen.

The game takes around 5–10 min. to beat (I didn't want to make it last too long — it's text-based after all). This game starts off exactly as the real Risen does; you are stranded on an isle, you meet Sara, etc. Your goal will be to get accepted by one of the two factions: the rebels or the Inquisition, after which, the game ends. If you want to find out what happens next you will have to buy PB's game.

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Ссылка Размер Скачиваний
risen_textadventure_en.rar 133 KB 1904
risen_textadventure_de.rar 146 KB 2595
risen_textadventure_fr.rar 136 KB 1567
risen_textadventure_ru.rar 136 KB 1716