25.06.2009 09:37
Видео - GameStar 08/2009 Preview Online Video
25.06.2009 09:37
GameStar 08/2009 Preview Online Video
Das Video, das die GameStar anlässlich ihres RISEN-Previews in der Ausgabe 08/2009 im Internet veröffentlicht hat. Das Video ist nicht identisch mit dem Material, dass der Zeitschrift auf DVD beilag.
The video that the GameStar released on the internet in accordance with their preview of RISEN from edition 08/2009. The video is not identical with the material of the DVD that was sold with the print magazine.
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The video that the GameStar released on the internet in accordance with their preview of RISEN from edition 08/2009. The video is not identical with the material of the DVD that was sold with the print magazine.
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