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IGN published a new preview of Risen 2: Dark Waters. The article reveals a few new information, like a brief mention of a new NPC or some quests. There are also videos and screenshots available. Most of the article, however, is a repetition of known facts. Like explaining that most Americans were shocked that in Risen 1, you could actually die during the tutorial, and that in Risen 2, this error had been corrected.

This is a game with a hell of a battle on its hands to win your attention in one of the greatest eras for the role-playing game since the late Nineties, but Risen 2: Dark Waters is doing its very best to distinguish itself from the crowd. It fills the hardcore RPG niche for players who are happy starting off as a nobody rather than an instant superhero – and there aren't many gamers out there who haven't wondered from time to time what a real, deep pirate role-playing game might look like.


• Preview at IGN

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