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Von Deep Silver betriebener Ticker auf Twitter.com zu Risen.

Neuster Eintrag:
RisenTicker: Zum Start ins Wochenende haben wir für euch noch ein kleines Video zusammengeschnitten. http://t.co/K5cTJP5A
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GOG.com started a sale during which many titles are available at greatly reduced prices. This includes Risen and Risen 2. For example, the current price for Risen 2 Gold is EUR 11,89 which is a 50% discount.

Since GOG.com plans to make flash sales and daily bundles during this sale as well, there is the chance to get the games even cheaper, if one is willing and able to wait for the right moment.

The sale will last until November 25th.


• Risen @ GOG.com
• Risen 2 @ GOG.com
• Risen 2 Gold @ GOG.com

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