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11.05.2014 12:00 [Risen 3 bestiary] Tomb Spider Jungle
Dragon Snapper | Giant Rat | Gnome | Hell Hound | Lava Golem | Scavenger | Shadow Warrior | Shadowlord | The Iron Golem | Tomb Spider Jungle |

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Spiders are feared by many people but these specimens are frightful indeed. The Great Jungle Spider has really earned its name, reaching a size of 2-3 meters (6.5 to 10 ft). Her motto is: If you are smaller than me, I'll try to eat you.

Because of their dark colour and the fact that these tough opponents reside in caves, they are usually discovered very late. Too late, some adventurers might say.

In the spider hierarchy they are above the regular jungle spiders which are also quite unpleasant critters. During a fight, one has to watch out for the devious attacks of the spider legs.