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13.07.2010 02:00 [Profiles (former)] Jenny
Dietrich Magnus | Jann Kerntke | Jenny | Kai Rosenkranz | Marko Jelen | Mattias Filler | Ralf Marczinczik | Sebastian Lesik | Thorsten Kalka | Thorsten Kalka | Tristan Heitzinger |

Jenny Haberman (Willow94)

Jobs at Piranha Bytes?
Princess of the known universe and niece (of Ralf), godchild of Mike Hoge


- Karateschule Lao Che
- Highschool http://www.hildegardis.bobi.net/profil.htm
- TV Serien

Jobs so far
Piranha Bytes: lawn manicure
Home: Washing mamas cars, bring out the trash, beating up little brothers

Worked on the following games
- Gothic 1 (says Mike - but I am not sure what he means by that)
- Parcheesi
- Monopoly
- Risen

Favourite music?

Favourite game?
Me and my Horse

What are your strengths?
I can manipulate the weather with my thoughts, mix strawberry milk, build pictures with letters:

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What do you dislike?
Stupid boys, Jimmy Blue, mushrooms

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Riding, riding and... well, riding

What would you like to see in a game for once?
Good ideas.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
Me? No. I just had a brilliant idea for a game: The nameless hero (on his stallion) chases the henchmen of Kublazz (also with horses) with princess Jennifer (of course also on a horse) to the enchanted horse castle Equusia, where they will be received by the cavaliers of Rohan (naturally not on foot) and get their asses kicked.


  written by foobar