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Today, the former publisher of Piranha Bytes, the Jowood Entertainment corporation, has filed a lawsuit against the current publisher, the Koch Media Ltd. at the commercial court in Vienna, Austria. However, the lawsuit does not deal with the developer from Essen or the games Risen or Arcania but with purely economical matters. When Jowood was in a crisis in 2005, Koch Media stepped in as a strategic investor. Until 2008, the company from Munich had sold all shares of Jowood again.

Apparently, Jowood is convinced that Koch Media did not reciprocate exactly what they received in company shares at that dept equity swap. This has been confirmed by an auditor, says Jowood. They now want to get the remaining 2,36 million Euro from Koch Media by action at law.

Since Jowood themselves believe that this legal dispute will take years, it is very unlikely that it will influence Risen 2 in any notable way.


Press statement by Jowood

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