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Another interview with "the face of Piranha Bytes", Björn Pankratz, has appeared on the net. This time, Hooked Gamers has asked the story and game designer a few questions about the differences between Gothic and Risen.

Hooked Gamers: One of the major drawbacks of Risen was its awkward combat system (not a strength of the Gothic games either). The automated target selection felt like it was in the way more often than not, often causing you to attack different enemies than intended. How does combat work in Dark Waters, has this been improved?”

Björn Pankratz: The combat system has been totally reworked for Risen 2. As we have added muskets and pistols and completely changed the magic system, combat will be very different. For example, muskets are two-handed ranged weapons, and pistols can be used left-handed while wielding a cutlass in your right hand.


Interview @ hookedgamers.com

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