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Gameinformer.com had an interview with Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, Game Director, and Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, Lead Quest Designer, members of CD Projekt about The Witcher 3. They have named Gothic as a source of inspiration for the game, and also talked a bit about their relation with the fans.

It is interesting to notice that the attitude of award-winning RPG game developers tend to shift from the "accessibility" and "sophistication", inherent to mainstreaming, to a more challenging and rewarding experience.

Here are a couple of quotes.

Mateusz: We are not adding the scaling of enemies, just to clear this out.

It would be more like in Gothic, if you remember. It was, in my opinion, done very good, that you got areas and monsters which are very powerful and you need to develop your character to defeat them. When you are progressing through in story you will meet stronger monsters and stronger enemies.

Another bit is about the ending. They will have 3 different epilogues which reflect the player's choice, and not only videos, but whole sections of the game.

About their relation to the fans:
Mateusz: We love our fans! We read forums a lot! If you want something really really bad to appear in The Witcher 3 don't hesitate to tell about it on the forums, we really appreciate your opinions.


Interview @ Gameinformer.com

geschrieben von Maladiq