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31.12.2008 02:01 [Fragebögen] Quy Hoang [en]
Our russian Partnersite Piranha Club managed to get some members of Piranha Bytes to fill a question paper they created.

Here are the answers from Quy Hoang.

1) Name of the Piranha
Quy Hoang

2) Age

3) What profession are you trained in (i.e. I remember that Björn Pankratz mentioned in a video that he used to be a school teacher)?
Bachelor of Science, media computer scientist.

4) What is you job at Piranha Bytes?
Character artist (3D, 2D), level objects and weapons (3D, 2D).

5) What was the first computer game you played in your life? And are you still playing it from time to time?
Mario Bros. on the NES. I do not play it anymore because it has no savegame function. I don't have the patience to start all over again and again.

6) What game are you currently playing?
Beyond Good and Evil, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

7) Do you like reading and if yes what is your favorite book?
I like reading but I don't do it very often. I'm especially fond of the "Harry Potter" series and the book of Dan Brown. I hope to start with "The Pillars of the Earth" by Ken Follet soon.

8) Do prefer to read the book in the electronic form or as a real book you can hold in your hands?
Reading book on the screen is a complete no-go. I'm sitting there often enough already.

9) What is your favorite film genre?
Comedy and Thriller.

10) What is your favorite movie (it's okay to state more than one if you find it hard to choose only one)?
Butterfly Effect.

11) What is your favorite movie character?
Makunouchi Ippo from the series "Hajime no Ippo".

12) Your favorite music?
Absolute mainstream.

13) Do you listen to classical music and does it inspire you at your work (if you're allowed to hear music there, of course)?
I prefer modern music but it cannot inspire me.

14) Your favorite food?
Dim sum.

15) What is your favorite beverage?
Diet Mountain Dew.

16) Do you do any sports and if so what form?
Badminton and soccer.

17) Do you have a hobby? Or is the work your hobby?
Video games, watching TV series and any form of sport.

18) Do you have any pets at home? Perhaps a dog, a cat or a fish - like a piranha?
Sadly not.

19) So you have children? If so, did they also play your games? (I remember a story which Johnny Depp told in an interview. He came home in the costume of Jack to give his children a pleasure and they only said: "Dad, don't bother us, go away, we're watching Spierman!")

20) Do any of your friends or family play your games?
All my friend want to play the coming game and my girlfriend at least wants to watch me playing it. ^^

21) How do they like them?
It's my first game.

22) If they critizise the game does this help you for later projects, like RPB [working title of RISEN]
see 21.

23) How do you usually spend your holidays?
Preferably in the sun on the beach.

24) Do you like travelling and what country would you like to visit the most?
I love travelling but do not do it very often. But I would like to go the USA again and sometime I'd like to go to the Carribean.

25) Have been to Russia before? If not, would you like to visit Moscow or Saint Peterburg? Or more some exotical place like the sibirian taiga or the Altai mountains?
No, I haven't been to Russia so far. But I think it could be interesting to visit Moscow.

With kind permission from Piranhaclub.eu.
Translations from german by foobar.