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30.09.2009 00:04 [Test: Risen (english)] Risen Test: 4. Combat

En garde!

Example: Levels in sword fighting

Level 1: You can use weapons in the category "sword". You can attack, parry, and combine up to 3 attack blows.

Level 2: You can carry out counter parries to interrupt your opponent's attacks.

Level 3: You can perform "lateral blows".

Level 4: Counter parries can injure your opponents.

Level 5: You can combine more blows in your attacks.

Level 6: You can wield weapons in the category "bastard sword" with one hand.

Level 7: You can charge your attacks in order to cause more damage, or to break through your opponent's parry.

Level 8: You can interrupt a counter parry by your opponent.

Level 9: You can use weapons in the category "two handed" with just one hand.

Level 10: You can combine any amount of attack blows.

Melee combat differentiates into sword, axe and staff fighting. The first two are typical for the bandits in the swamp while the latter one is something that all recruits in the volcano fortress must learn. One- and two-handed swords are not governed by different skills but instead all handled by the sword skill. Instead, they provide a ranking mechanism. The one-handed swords are easy to handle with a shield but do not deal that much damage. Bastard swords make greater damage and two-handed even more damage but both cannot be wielded in conjunction with a shield - at first. As you raise your sword fighting skill, you learn to wield bastard swords with one hand. That allows you to keep a shield in the other hand. A sword master can even use two-handed sword with one hand. What enhancements you gain and at what point differs from combat skill to combat sill. No two skills are alike in that regard.

The attribute for most melee weapons is strength, only a few selected weapons base on dexterity. But they are not very powerful and in the later course of the game, you are forced to train you strength if you want to persist in melee combat.

Ranged combat is divided into bow and crossbow. Shooting with the bow is done by aiming manually with a crossbow. Your hit chance is not determined by your skill anymore like in Gothic 1 and 2. The crossbow allows you to shoot without having the take the projectile ballistics into account. Like before, the attribute for bows is dexterity and strength for crossbows. Skilling your bow or crossbow abilities will increase your fire rate and if you train crystal magic (which in a sense is just another type of ranged combat) also increases the damage.

Combat skills are levelled in ten stages, each of them unlocks new moves. Chargeable power attacks, sideway swings, counter attacks and extended combos unfold as you master a specific weapon type. These enhancements are really necessary because the harmless opponents which you encounter early in the game soon are replaced by evermore powerful and dangerous beasts. None of the creatures are levelled and this a typical concept of a Piranha Bytes flavoured “open world”. You cannot expect that the game protects you by hiding enemies which are currently too dangerous for you or powering them down to your level. There are many areas where you will die in an instant at first. Go somewhere else, learn, gain experience, get stronger and then come back and prevail. Some victories have to be earned. You cannot expect that everything drops into your lap just because you're the “good guy”.

Any humanoid opponent can potentially have the same skills you have. Not everyone is a skilled fighter but you will encounter enemies that can perform the same moves (or even more) than you. Furthermore, it is not advisable to charge into large groups of enemies. They won't line up to be slaughtered like in Gothic 3. When they have the space, they will try to attack you from different directions. A good tactic is recommended for those fights.

Simple monsters are easily beaten with melee combat alone. Weapon damage and strength determine the damage that is dealt to an opponent. The stun effect is still present, though less annoying than in Gothic 3. Endless series of stun attack which make the first one to land a successful blow the winner are history.

A duel to the death

The armour is only available as a complete set, as usual. No boots, bracers, gloves, breastplates, greaves, gorgets and whatnot. You get a complete armour suit that resembles your rank within your guild. The only optional upgrade are helmet, shields, rings and necklaces which enhance certain attributes. The most powerful rings and necklaces can be forged by yourself. A shield will enhance your protection, of course.

The weapons have the diversity of typical Piranha Bytes games. Over 70 different swords, axes, sickles, knives, spears, staves, hammers and whatnot are waiting in treasure chests or inventories for you.

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