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12.09.2008 12:28 [Sonstiges] Risen Artwork Contest
World of Risen invites everyone to participate in an artwork contest. We will give away prizes ranging from games and posters (some signed by Piranha Bytes) and other precious items. Here are the submission details:

Starting point for the expected artworks is this image:

Larger version

The image shows the hero with drawn sword eagerly anticipating what may wait for him inside the recently risen ruins. Let your imagination and creativity guide you and tell us what you expect to find deep down into the ruins.

You can send in as much [concept] artworks as you like. Closing date is October 30th, 2008.

All submitted artworks will be reviewed by a jury, chaired by Ralf Marczinczik, Art Director at Piranha Bytes. All contestants are required to submit their works via our upload script.

We reserve the right to amend the submission details. Further details may be announced in the forum.

Have fun and good luck!