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Name: Risen Fansite Kit (en)
Autor: Deep Silver/Piranha Bytes
Hinzugefügt: 27.05.2009 15:00
Views: 16538
Downloads: 2322
Beschreibung: Piranha Bytes and Deep Silver prepared a special present for you! This fansite kit contains all items needed to launch a professional looking Risen fansite in a matter of minutes. It even contains material never seen before, so feel free to browse the content:

- High resolution Artworks
- Avatars for your Forums, Skype, MSN and Yahoo Messenger as well as Youtube
- A professional blog theme for the Wordpress blog software to launch your very own fansite in 4 easy steps
- Icons for your posts in forums
- Ambient music and soundeffects to spice up your website or your windows start sound
- Screenshots from the official game
- Wallpapers for your desktop (2 exclusive wallpapers never published before!)

We hope that you enjoy the package and don't forget to visit the official website and the forums at:


Your Deep Silver Team

RISEN® Deep Silver, a division of Koch Media GmbH, Austria. Blog Design created by Piranha Fanart Portal © 2009 by ArthusoKD Content created with the fansite kit is not reviewed or approved by Deep Silver, Piranha Bytes or the Piranha Fanart Portal and aforementioned parties are thus in no way accountable.

Link Größe Hits
risen-all-en-gnome-fansitekit.zip 22.24 MB 2322