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RisenTicker: Zum Start ins Wochenende haben wir für euch noch ein kleines Video zusammengeschnitten. http://t.co/K5cTJP5A
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Things you should know before you contact us:

  • This is not the official homepage of the Risen series, the developer Piranha Bytes, or the publisher Deep Silver. This is a privately run fan site. Any requests for the publisher or developer should be directed to them, not us. The developer can be contacted through their homepage, the publisher through theirs.
  • We do not provide support via the contact form. If you have problems with a game and wish to ask other members of our community for assistance, feel free to register to our forum and ask your question there. If you want official support, contact the publisher Deep Silver, or the distributor who is responsible for your region of the world.
  • We do not want to be your advertising affiliate, nor do we want to purchase any product or service you might be selling. Don't bother.

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