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02.03.2014 19:00 [Risen 3 Misc (english)] Risen 3 Overview
Name of the game:Risen 3: Titan Lords
GenreRoleplaying game (Fantasy)
SettingMiddleeuropean landscape with Mediterranean and tropical regions; Technological Level comparable to late middle ages / early renaissance; Magic again available
Perspective3rd Person (over-the-shoulder camera)
DevelopersPiranha Bytes (Gothic I - III, Risen 1-2)
PublisherDeep Silver (Koch Media)
PlotThe old hero from previous Risen games is no longer the protagonist. The new hero's soul is devoured by a Shadow Lord (a mighty undead) at the beginning of the game. He embarks on a quest to find the banished mages who might have the power to help him.
Engineself developed; enhanced Risen 1 engine with licensed components (SpeedTree, PhysX, etc.)
Release dateAugust 2014
PlattformsPC (Windows), Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Copy protectionConfirmed so far:
Game mode(s)Singleplayer
Age ratingnot yet rated
Emphasisstill unclear

  written by foobar