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Category: Risen 3 Misc (english)
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Risen 3 system requirements 08.07.2014 14:30 The official system requirements for Risen 3: Titan Lords Minimal: Operating system: Windows Vista (with Servicepack 2) CPU: Zweikern-CPU with 2.4 GHz RAM: 2 GB Free disk space: 8 GB Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 3850 or...
Risen 3 Overview 02.03.2014 19:00 Name of the game: Risen 3: Titan Lords Genre Roleplaying game (Fantasy) Setting Middleeuropean landscape with Mediterranean and tropical regions; Technological Level comparable to late middle ages / early renaissance;...
Risen 3: Titan Lords list of information and facts 22.02.2014 12:58 Information list in other languages: DE Updated: 14.03.2014 Did we miss anything? Post news and facts in our forum ! = recently added = Official source: a member of the Piranha Bytes = Official source: a member of the...