17.12.2009 23:46
[Sonstiges (englisch)]
Cheats and Debugging-Keys
General warning
Please be aware that using anything described on this page can seriously break your game progress. The game may crash, quests may turn up blocked and things might not go the way they were planned by the developers.
Use these options with care and only if you know what you are doing! You have been warned!
To activate the console, you have to type the codeword "minsky" (without quotes) in the running game. Just ignore what is happening on the screen and press the keys as quickly as possible. Sometimes, you need a few tries.
Once you hit the "m" you have 2 seconds to enter the remaining "insky". If you mistype or take too long, you have to wait another 2 seconds before you can try again.
After that, the console can be opened with the caret key [^].
Two hints on the way:
- The console auto-completes entered commands and most parameters when you hit the tab key. Repeatedly hitting the tab key will circle through all available options. This is very useful if you do not remember the correct syntax.
- With all commands and expressions, case matters! If a command was rejected with an error, check if you typed it correctly with all the capital letters.
Command | Parameter | Description |
AmbientOcclusion | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate SSAO (see our tech article). |
AutoSave | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate the autosave function. |
benchmark | - | Starts a short benchmark to determine pixel and vertex fill rate. |
CameraDump | <filename> | Saves the current picture as screenshot under the given name. |
DebugMode | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate the debug mode which displays information texts at objects in the focus. |
defeat | - | Defeat an enemy without killing him. |
Difficulty | {Easy|Normal|Hard} | Change difficulty level. |
DumpStatistics | <typ> | Dump statstics |
edit | - | Opens a dialogue to edit the currently focussed object. |
EffectQuality | {Low|Medium|High} | Changes quality setting of the shader effects. |
EndBoss | - | Teleports you directly to the end boss of the game. |
FirstPersonCamera | [{on|off}] | Activates an unsupport and not completely implemented first person mode. |
FreeCamFOV | <n> | Change field of view of the free camera. |
FreeCamSpeed | <n> | Speed with which the free camera moves. |
FreeCamSpeedModifier | <n> | Speed gained by pressing the "sprint" key when in free camera mode. |
FreeCamTurnSpeedFactor | <n> | Turning speed of the free camera |
give | <item> [<anzahl>] | Directly injects the specified item to the hero's inventory. Optionally, you can set the number of items you want (i.e. "give It_Gold 1000" gives you 1,000 gold coins). |
god | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate the god mode (invincible). |
goto | <objekt> | Teleports the hero directly to the first object of the specified kind in the world. Does not work with objects in containers or inventories. Examples: "goto Inquisitor", "goto It_Plant_Perm" oder "goto Doug" |
help | - | Show a short help text. |
ignoreDrawCalls | [{on|off}] | If on, nothing is drawn and the screen remains black. |
invisible | [{on|off}] | If active, the hero will not be seen by others. Similar to the "notarget" command of many shooters. |
IsoCamera | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate the an experimental isometric camera (reduced angle). |
kill | - | Kills the currently focussed enemy. The hero will be treated as responsible for this action. Hence, he gets the XP but also may be treated as murderer. |
MapEdit | {insert|remove} <template> <map> | Insert the given template to the specified map or removes it. |
music | {location {world|harbour|doncamp|...} | daytime {day|night} | situation {0|1} | lock {on|off} | stop} | Allows changing the background music settings. You can activate the music by choosing location, time and combat. You can also lock the automatic music track switching or disable the music completely. Example: "music lock off", followed by "music location doncamp" will play the music of the bandit camp even in the harbour city. |
profile | {interval|queuesize} | Unkown, probably some profiling settings for debugging. |
PS_modify | <npc> <propertyset> <attribute> <value> | Allows direct access to the properties of NPCs, see the "edit" command. |
sector | <name> | Unknown, can cause to application to crash. |
set | <path>... | Change configuration variables |
setqueststatus | <quest> {open|run|cancel|close|succeed|fail} | Sets the state of the given quest to the specified value. Questnames: see below. |
SetVegWindParams | <base> <factor> <bendweight> <wavespeed> | Changes the wind settings for the vegetation. |
ShaderQuality | {Low|Medium|High} | Changes shader quality settings. |
ShadowQuality | {Off|Low|Medium|High} | Changes shadow quality settings. |
ShowSkeleton | <entity> {on|off} | Activate or deactivate the display of the skeleton for the given entity. |
SoftShadows | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate soft shadows. |
spawn | <entity> | Inserts the given object or NPC into the world, directly in front of the hero.Example: "spawn It_BS_RuneSword" |
SpeakerMode | <mode> | Changes speaker settings. |
teach | <skill> <n> | Changes the given character skill to the specified value. Example: "teach LP 50" will give you 50 learning points. |
time | <hour> [<minute>] | Sets the game time to the given value. Examples: "time 21", "time 12 31". |
timescale | <factor> | Changes the relation of real time to game time. |
TutorialSystem | [{on|off}] | Activate or deactivate the tutorial popups |
VegetationQuality | {Off|Low|Medium|High} | Change vegetation quality settings. |
Weather | <state> | Change the current weather to the given one. |
- {...} - Selection parameter. You have to choose one from a set of many value. For example, {Low|Medium|High} means you can either use "Low" or "Medium" or "High".
- [...] - Optional Parameter. Can be specified but is not required.
- <...> - Free Parameter. For example, <filename> can represent any given filename.
List of all skills for "teach"
Skill | Description |
Acrobat | Akrobatics - jumping and falling enhancements. |
Alchemy | Brew potions that grant positive effects. |
CombatAxe | Fighting skill with the axe. |
CombatBow | Fighting skill with the bow. |
CombatCrossbow | Fighting skill with the crossbow. |
CombatStaff | Fighting skill with the staff |
CombatSword | Fighting skill with the sword. |
DEX | Dexterity, governs primarily your damage in ranged combat |
HP | Current hitpoints. How many beatings you can take before you die. |
INT | Wisdom, required for runic magic. Pretty useless for anyone but mages. |
Lockpick | Pick locks |
LP | Learning points, can be spent at trainers. |
LV | ? |
MagicCircle | The runic seals. |
MagicFireball | Ye good ol' fireball |
MagicFrost | Frost spell |
MagicMissile | Magical "machine gun" type spell. |
MAXHP | Your maximum hitpoints. You cannot be healed beyond this level. |
MAXMP | How much mana is available to you at max. |
Mining | Learn how to dig ore from deposits. |
MP | Your current mana level. |
Pickpocket | Allows you to select one item from another NPC when activated. |
ProtBlunt | Protection against blunt weapons. |
ProtEdge | Protection against blades. |
ProtFire | Protection against fire. |
ProtIce | Protection against ice. |
ProtMagic | Protection against magic. |
ProtPoint | Protection against piercing weapons. |
Scribe | Allows you to create scrolls from runes. |
Smith | Make your own swords and magic trinkets. |
Sneak | How to move silently. |
STR | Strength, primarily governs your damage in close combat. |
Trophy | Extract animal trophies. You need this skill and a specific tool for each type of trophy. |
XP | You current experience points |
List of all quests for "setqueststatus"
Quest-ID | Beschreibung |
Abrax_FindNovices | - |
Abrax_FindStuff | - |
Abrax_FreeLibrary | - |
Alvaro_Cash | - |
Alvaro_SendServants | - |
Anika_RendevousWithDick | - |
Ash_Defeat | - |
Ash_SellDrugs | - |
Balturo_HelpPatty | - |
Bart_FindAlternativeExitOfOldmine | - |
Baxter_Calculate | - |
Belschwur_ABedForMartha | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionsToFolks | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionToArno | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionToCole | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionToElias | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionToFinn | - |
Belschwur_BringPotionToJosh | - |
Benny_BringCorn | - |
Beppo_MakeArtefactsCome | - |
Borgar_KillHim | - |
Brent_FindMap | - |
Brogar_Arena | - |
Brogar_DefyHim | - |
Brogar_FindDorgansDeadBody | - |
Brogar_FinishTrouble | - |
Brogar_Lesson | - |
Brogar_ProtectionGold | - |
Brogar_WantsDorgansLetterBack | - |
Brogar_WantsMeatFromRachel | - |
Bronco_ArenaFight | - |
Bronco_GetStaff | - |
Bronco_Lesson | - |
Bronco_Training | - |
Bruce_KillFlies | - |
Bruce_KillHisPigs | - |
Bruno_FollowMe | - |
Bruno_Guide | - |
Bruno_GuideChamber | - |
Buddy_Goldpieces | - |
Carasco_BringGoldGoblets | - |
Carasco_BringPieces | - |
Carlos_CleanMyCity | - |
Carlos_FindTunnel | - |
Carlos_SendBack2Monastery | - |
Carlos_TalkToHim | - |
Carol_PunishErikson | - |
Caspar_FindPartner | - |
Caspar_GetList | - |
Caspar_GetTrophies | - |
Caspar_SearchChamber | - |
Caspar_TrickBronco | - |
Cathy_GiveRing | - |
Cathy_LostRing | - |
Cid_DriveAway | - |
Cid_RodsPlan | - |
Clay_HelpsKillingRhobartsBeasts | - |
Cormac_Sends2Illumar | - |
Craig_Arena | - |
Craig_ArenaBet | - |
Craig_ForbiddenBets | - |
Cyrus_Artifacts | - |
Cyrus_Crates | - |
Cyrus_FindEldric | - |
Danny_BringHimWarriorHelp | - |
Danny_MakeHimWork | - |
Dargel_Cash | - |
Dargel_Chest | - |
Dargel_Defeat | - |
Delgado_DriveAway | - |
Delgado_ProtectionMoneyCosta | - |
Delgado_ProtectionMoneyJosh | - |
Dick_DefeatHim | - |
Dick_GetHisPrisonKey | - |
Domingo_Arena | - |
Don_Audience | - |
Don_BringDiscs | - |
Don_BringDonsGoldsword | - |
Don_KillAllDonBuddlers | - |
Don_KillAllDonFighters | - |
Don_ReportRudolfIsDead | - |
Don_ReportScordo | - |
Don_TalkToHimToGetYourGuild | - |
Don_TalkToMendoza | - |
Don_WantsBackHisHarbour | - |
Doug_HelpHimHunt | - |
Doug_KillBeast | - |
Doyle_DriveAway | - |
Dwight_BringHimToWork | - |
Eldric_BringCrystal | - |
Eldric_FindStaff | - |
Eldric_FixTitanArmor | - |
Eldric_GetBrokenDisc | - |
Eldric_GoFixArmor | - |
Eldric_GoToHut | - |
Eldric_GoToRitualPlace | - |
Eldric_RepairDisc | - |
Eldric_ReportDruid | - |
Enrico_BringPlaceboAmulett | - |
Enzo_SearchIllusion | - |
Erikson_Defeat | - |
Erlan_EnzoProblem | - |
Erlan_SearchNautilus | - |
Eronga_FollowToRomanovsRaid | - |
Fincher_EastTempelChoasReport | - |
Fincher_EnterAreaOldmineEntrance | - |
Fincher_FindOldmine | - |
Fincher_HireOlf | - |
Fincher_KillRudolfsCamp | - |
Fincher_MakeBuddlersGoArtefactCamp | - |
Flavio_FursForBaxter | - |
Fred_Dunghill | - |
Gary_SilentMeeting | - |
Gyrger_PlunderArtefactDisc | - |
Harlok_Cooperate | - |
Hawkins_MakeBuddlersRun | - |
Henson_KillHungryWolves | - |
Hernandez_BringDonsRelict | - |
Ignatius_Follow | - |
Ignatius_FreeMonastery | - |
Ignatius_GetStaff | - |
Ignatius_MagicCircle_01 | - |
Ignatius_MagicCircle_02 | - |
Ignatius_MagicCircle_03 | - |
Ignatius_MagicCircle_04 | - |
Ignatius_MasterMage | - |
Ignatius_OrderMages | - |
Ignatius_Rune | - |
Ignatius_Wisdom | - |
Illumar_DONWriting | - |
Illumar_GetQuill | - |
Illumar_LearnBasics | - |
Illumar_LearnScroll | - |
Illumar_Theory | - |
Ingvar_Goldpieces | - |
Inquisitor_BringDiscs | - |
Inquisitor_CheckSeverin | - |
Inquisitor_FindCyrus | - |
Inquisitor_FindMurder | - |
Inquisitor_FollowMe_01 | - |
Inquisitor_FollowMe_02 | - |
Inquisitor_FollowMe_03 | - |
Inquisitor_FollowMe_04 | - |
Inquisitor_GatherRaidingParty | - |
Inquisitor_GoToAltarDoor | - |
Inquisitor_GoToBreakthrough | - |
Inquisitor_GoToPortalLock | - |
Inquisitor_Initiation | - |
Inquisitor_MagicSupport | - |
Inquisitor_OpenDrawBridge | - |
Inquisitor_OpenMaingate | - |
Inquisitor_OpenPortal | - |
Inquisitor_ScoutTunnel | - |
Jack_PlunderChest | - |
Jervis_Teacher | - |
Kato_ArenaFight | - |
Konrad_Cash | - |
Kurt_NaviTest | - |
Leonardo_Plants | - |
Lilly_Work | - |
Lorenzo_Arena | - |
Lorenzo_LetsGoTemple | - |
Luis_MakeHimHunt | - |
Luis_WantsBeer | - |
Lukor_BringPieces | - |
Lukor_DriveAway | - |
Maliko_PlunderDanilo | - |
Marcelo_Proof | - |
Marvin_BringAllSkeletonRings | - |
Marvin_KillSkeletonPatroscon | - |
Neil_FindSword | - |
Neil_FollowToNoviceRanch | - |
Nelson_BringRing | - |
Nelson_DrawMap | - |
Olf_CollectMyBrothers | - |
Olf_FreeHim | - |
Olf_FreeHimFromINQ | - |
Olf_GoesToOldmineEntrance | - |
Olf_PlunderLizardPriest | - |
Oscar_DonsGoldSwordPieces | - |
Oscar_RepairsDonsGoldSword | - |
Pallas_City | - |
Pallas_Key | - |
Pallas_ReportToMasters | - |
Pallas_Teacher | - |
Patty_BringGregsCasket | - |
Patty_BringGregsSeamap | - |
Patty_FindGregHintAll | - |
Patty_FirstHintOfGreg | - |
Patty_FollowToGregsCasketChest | - |
Patty_FreeHerFromRuins | - |
Patty_GetRomanovAndHerSeamap | - |
Patty_LeavesHarbor | - |
Patty_PartymemberToBDWaterfall | - |
Paul_BringBeer | - |
Paul_KillMonster | - |
Player_CollectAllDonsGoldSwordPieces | - |
Player_CollectBennysCorn | - |
Player_EnteredSarasHut | - |
Player_FindAllArtefactDiscs | - |
Player_FindAllSkeletonRings | - |
Player_FindAllStolenGoodsGnomes | - |
Player_FindFirstChestKey | - |
Player_FindGregsTreasure | - |
Player_FindMage | - |
Player_FindTheThreeGoblets | - |
Player_FindTitanArmor_All | - |
Player_FindTitanArmorPiece_01 | - |
Player_FindTitanArmorPiece_02 | - |
Player_FindTitanHammer | - |
Player_GetBlueBarrierRune | - |
Player_KillBackTownLizards | - |
Player_KillFrontTownLizards | - |
Player_KillLizardSpies | - |
Player_KillsAllUndead | - |
Player_OpenTitanChamber | - |
Player_PlunderFirstChest | - |
Player_SearchForCivilisation | - |
Player_SmithLizardWeapon | - |
Player_TakeOkular | - |
Rachel_BringMeat | - |
Rachel_MakeSwampCampRun | - |
Rhobart_KillMonster | - |
Rhobart_SellWeed | - |
Rhobart_ShareHisBeer | - |
Ricardo_Arena | - |
Ricardo_KillTempleBeast | - |
Rodriguez_FindSpy | - |
Romanov_BringGregsSeamap | - |
Romanov_BringHisGoldchest | - |
Rudolf_ReportSeverin | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid02 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid03 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid04 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid05 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid06 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid07 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid08 | - |
Rufo_SearchDruid09 | - |
Rufus_FindBook | - |
Rufus_IsDead | - |
Rupert_KillGyrger | - |
Sabrosa_WorkForDelgado | - |
Sakura_HelpWithAbrax | - |
Salty_SellShop | - |
Sam_MakeHuntingRun | - |
Santiago_GetBruno | - |
Sara_BringHerToCivilisation | - |
Sara_BringHerToHut | - |
Sara_GiveHerFriedMeat | - |
Scordo_BringGoldGoblets | - |
Scordo_DefeatHim | - |
Scordo_DriveAway | - |
Scordo_ForTheDon | - |
Scordo_OpenHarborTunnelDoor | - |
Scordo_PackageForDon | - |
Scordo_PlayerGotTunnelKey | - |
Scordo_TalkToHim | - |
Sergio_BringRomanovsGoldChest | - |
Severin_GnomeAmbush | - |
Severin_KillGnomes | - |
Severin_LizardAmbush | - |
Severin_ReportRudolf | - |
Sonja_OneNightWithOlga | - |
Taylor_FollowMe | - |
Taylor_Guide | - |
Tellur_FollowToHarbour1 | - |
Tellur_FollowToHarbour2 | - |
Tellur_FollowToHarbour3 | - |
Tellur_FollowToHarbour4 | - |
Tellur_HasNoJob4PlayerReport | - |
Tilda_Sons | - |
Toni_BringDonsRelict | - |
Toni_DriveAway | - |
Tristan_HelpMyNoviceRanch | - |
Tristan_KillINQGuard | - |
Tucker_ArenaFight | - |
Ukkos_BringMeat | - |
Ursegor_Freedom | - |
Vasili_Goldpieces | - |
Vitus_Book | - |
Vitus_KillWarrior | - |
Vitus_Teacher | - |
Vitus_Test | - |
Walter_Break | - |
Walter_BringAllStolenGoodsGnomes | - |
Weasel_BringDrugs | - |
Weasel_DefeatCutter | - |
Weasel_DriveAway | - |
Weasel_FindGary | - |
Weasel_FollowGary | - |
William_ArenaFight | - |
William_BecomesTrainer | - |
Yoki_AccessYard | - |
Yoki_DONAccessYard | - |
These special keys are only available in the test mode and have to be explicitly activated in the user configuration file. You can find the ConfigUser.xml in the following directory:
- XP: %userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Risen
- Vista/Win7: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Risen
Then, add to following section:
written by foobar