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The World of Risen Modding Challenge 01.10.2014 14:00 World of Risen and Nevigo present: We would like to invite all modders (and those who would like to become one) to this little contest of ours. The goal is simple: Present your concept for a game mod! A jury made from...
Artwork Overview 20.05.2011 18:00 Risen 3 - Official Concept Art --- Risen 3 - Wallpapers --- Risen 3 - Avatars --- Risen 2 - Official Concept Art --- Risen 1 - Official Concept Art Risen 1 - Poster Motives ...
Screenshot Overview 20.05.2011 18:00 Risen 3 --- Risen 2 --- Risen 1, PC Risen 1, Xbox ...
News from the modding frontlines 07.04.2011 23:00 Introduction Despite the difficulties and lack of support by publisher and developer, there are still valiant warriors who try to extend the possibilities of Risen modding. Armed with disassemblers and debuggers, they ride on their compilers...
Cheats 17.12.2009 23:46 Cheats and Debugging-Keys General warning Please be aware that using anything described on this page can seriously break your game progress. The game may crash, quests may turn up blocked and things might not go the way they were...
System requirements 09.08.2009 15:18 The official system requirements Minimal: Windows XP with ServicePack 3 a 2.0 GHz CPU a graphics card with DirectX 9.1, Pixel Shader 3.0 and 256 MB (i.e. GeForce 7900 or ATI 1800) 1 GB RAM Recommended: ...
BBQ report by foobar 25.07.2009 22:28 foobar's report from the Deep Silver Community BBQ What's this about? At the 24th of July, 2009, Deep Silver invited a few selected members from the community to their headquarters in Munich, Germany. I was part of that group. They...
Copy Protection FAQ 18.07.2009 21:00 What copy protection is used for RISEN? RISEN uses the Tagès system. That became clear shortly before the release when Daniel Oberlerchner, the Brand Manager of Deep Silver, excluded SecuROM and Starforce and mentioned that the system they...