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Videos / Видео > Trailer (Nightwish)
Name: Trailer (Nightwish)
Author: Deep Silver/Piranha Bytes
Date added: 28.07.2009 19:31
Views: 18062
Downloads: 7091
Description: Endlich ist er da! Der neue magische RISEN Trailer mit bisher ungezeigten Spielszenen aus Faranga! Untermalt wird der neue Trailer durch den Song „The Poet and the Pendulum“ von der weltweit erfolgreichsten Symphonic Metal Band Nightwish.

Finally, it's here! The new magic RISEN trailer with yet unshown ingame scenes from Faranga! The new trailer is accentuated by the song "The Poet and the Pendulum" by the most successful symphonic metal band "Nightwish".

Wählen Sie eine dieser Dateien / Choose one of these files:
risen_teaser_nightwish_highres.zip	Original by Deep Silver (1280x720, WMV)
risen_teaser_nightwish_highres.avi.zip Recoded by us in full resolution (1280x720, Xvid)
risen_teaser_nightwish_lowres.avi.zip Recoded by us in half resolution (640x360, Xvid)