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Musik / Music / Музыка > Risen 2 MainTheme Soundtrack (by AgooreZ)
Name: Risen 2 MainTheme Soundtrack (by AgooreZ)
Author: AgooreZ
Date added: 10.02.2011 23:40
Views: 23311
Downloads: 4072
Description: AgooreZ from russian wor.de forums make his own composition (soundtrack), which he called - "Risen 2 MainTheme". Enjoy !

Thread in forum - Risen 2 MainTheme Soundtrack (by AgooreZ)

Others AgooreZ compositions you can find there - Piranhaclub Fanmusik (06.01.2009)

Представляем Вам композицию - "Risen 2 MainTheme" от AgooreZ. Наслаждайтесь!

Обсуждение на форуме - Risen 2 MainTheme Soundtrack (by AgooreZ)

Остальные композиции от AgooreZ можно скачать здесь - Piranhaclub Fanmusik (06.01.2009)

Link Size Hits
AgooreZ_Risen-2_MainTheme.mp3.zip 1.79 MB 4072