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Risen Database: Sword fighting
Name: Sword fighting
Description: Talent for the use of swords and light close combat weapons.

Level 1: You can use weapons in the category "sword". You can attack, parry, and combine up to 3 attack blows.
Level 2: You can carry out counter parries to interrupt your opponent's attacks.
Level 3: You can perform "lateral blows".
Level 4: Counter parries can injure your opponents.
Level 5: You can combine more blows in your attacks.
Level 6: You can wield weapons in the category "bastard sword" with one hand.
Level 7: You can charge your attacks in order to cause more damage, or to break through your opponent's parry.
Level 8: You can interrupt a counter parry by your opponent.
Level 9: You can use weapons in the category "two handed" with just one hand.
Level 10: You can combine any amount of attack blows.

Name Insert Code To level
Craig Craig 7
Cutter Cutter 4
Edgar Edgar 7
Fincher Fincher 10