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Category: Risen 2 Misc (english)
Miscellaneous articles related to Risen 2 which don't fit into any other category.
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System requirements 06.02.2012 19:00 The official system requirements for Risen 2 Dark Waters Minimum requirements: Operating system: Windows XP (with Servicepack 2) CPU: dual core with 2.1 GHz Memory: 2 GB system RAM Disk space: 5.5 GB Graphics adapter: AMD...
gamescom 2011 Preview by foobar 18.08.2011 00:30 gamescom 2011 Risen Preview Introduction During the gamescom 2011, yours truly got the chance to play Risen 2 - Dark Waters for the first time. The version that was presented to the public at the gaming stations at the Deep Silver booth...
Risen 2 copy protection FAQ 05.08.2011 15:00 Risen 2 Copy Protection FAQ What copy protection will be used for Risen 2? We diligently reviewed many solutions in the last couple of years and in the case of Risen 2 we decided to use the Steam-Plattform from Valve on a worldwide basis. 1...
Preview of the World of Risen (May 2011) 07.06.2011 18:00 Sailing with Pirates Don’t be afraid. This will not be a report about events at the Somalian coast or the strait of Malacca. Roleplaying games like to prefer the comfortable version of a dreamed reality. The kind of reality in which you...
Fact list: Risen 2 list of information 28.03.2011 19:00 Updated: 05.07.2011 DON'T FORGET TO CHECK THE SECOND PAGE OF THE ARTICLE! RELEASE DATE: Q1 2012 ( Source ) OFFICIAL WEBSITES Deep Silver (Publisher) Piranha Bytes (Developer) Risen 2: Dark Waters Experience Site ...
Risen 2: Overview 28.03.2011 19:00 Name of the game Risen 2 - Dark Waters Genre Roleplaying game (Fantasy) Setting Pirates, sailing ships, firearms, tropical/Caribbean islands Perspective 3rd Person (over-the-shoulder camera) Developer ...