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17.08.2010 22:00 [Profiles (former)] Jann Kerntke
Dietrich Magnus | Jann Kerntke | Jenny | Kai Rosenkranz | Marko Jelen | Mattias Filler | Ralf Marczinczik | Sebastian Lesik | Thorsten Kalka | Thorsten Kalka | Tristan Heitzinger |

Jann Kerntke

Job at Piranha Bytes?
Concept Artist


Certified designer for visual communication

Jobs so far
Sadly, none. Only student...

Worked at the following games

Favourite music?
"Music must stress"

Favourite game?
Shooters, I even was in a clan for Quake 3 once.

What are your strengths?
Easy to fill with enthusiasm.

What do you dislike?
That I'm easy to fill with enthusiasm.

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Gaming and painting.

What would you like to see in a game for once?
I want a huge world where I can enter everywhere and destroy everything.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
I'll steal them then.

  written by foobar