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01.11.2010 22:40 [Profiles (former)] Mattias Filler
Dietrich Magnus | Jann Kerntke | Jenny | Kai Rosenkranz | Marko Jelen | Mattias Filler | Ralf Marczinczik | Sebastian Lesik | Thorsten Kalka | Thorsten Kalka | Tristan Heitzinger |

Mattias Filler

Job at Piranha Bytes?
Story- and game design


Nothing in the business (I'm a trained nurse and studied a few semester social economy)

Jobs so far

Worked on the following games
G1, G2, G2 NotR, G3

Favourite music?
Music is as diverse as live itself. There is a huge offer and I find a lot of interesting stuff. My pain threshold is reached with german folk and Schlager music, though.

Favourite games?
PoP und CoC [PoP- SandsOfTime, CoC- PrisonerOfIce]

What are your strengths?
Roleplaying, improvising, massage by girlfriend

What do you dislike?
People who talk much and say little, bad lies, impoliteness, viruses, deadly diseases, viruses causing deadly diseases, broken parts on the car, stale beer, stale talk round.

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Games (pen & paper RPGs, board and card games), books, movies, hiking, recently swimming, a good glass of wine at the right time, chocolate, party with friends, selected American TV shows, several puzzles (crossword, logical, etc., what you find in magazines)...

What would you like to see in a game for once?
In a game by us: A character with stetson, duster and Colt (when are we finally making a western?).
In other games: Nothing special. More courage for innovation, less pale imitations.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
Not until my pension.
Nicht bis zur Rente.

  written by foobar