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Category: Risen 3 bestiary
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Shadowlord 17.08.2014 16:30 Woe to those who meet a Shadow Lord! They are spirit, demon and mage in one form which makes them the most dangerous enemies in all of Risen 3: Titan Lords. Each of them is unique and has a special effect on his surroundings. To lock horns with...
Giant Rat 03.08.2014 22:30 If little mice cause people to climb on tables in fear, imagine what panic one metre big rats will cause. In Risen 3: Titan Lords, they prefer dank caves and rocky areas. The good news is that they are usually not a big threat. The bad news...
Shadow Warrior 20.07.2014 15:30 Little is known about the mysterious Shadow Warriors. Maybe that is because few survive the encounter? Fragmentary information by desperate heroes paint the picture of a dangerous melee fighter who serves as a soldier in a sinister army. A...
The Iron Golem 07.07.2014 21:30 Three metres tall and as mighty as a mountain - this is how many adventurers describe the Iron Golem. Do not approach it carelessly, even if is typically alone or maybe in a set of two. This creature is not about to invite you to tea. It has no...
Scavenger 24.06.2014 19:00 Underestimating opponents is never a good idea. This is of course also true for the exciting world of Risen 3: Titan Lords. The scavenger may not seem that dangerous at first glimpse - for instance, it is just a herbivore. But don't kid...
Gnome 08.06.2014 12:30 Gnomes are well known from previous titles. But this time, they have taken on a new role. They formed an alliance of convenience with the mages in the mines of Taranis. Here, the gnomes dig in the mines and deliver the special crystals...
Dragon Snapper 18.05.2014 21:23 Nomen est Omen, as far as it relates to the Dragon Snapper. One look at that quick and tough beast and you have no trouble imagining its razor sharp teeth and claws ripping the flesh from your bones. And often, these agile predators are not...
Tomb Spider Jungle 11.05.2014 12:00 In anderen Sprachen: EN RU Spiders are feared by many people but these specimens are frightful indeed. The Great Jungle Spider has really earned its name, reaching a size of 2-3 meters (6.5 to 10 ft). Her motto is: If you are...
Hell Hound 27.04.2014 12:00 In other languages: DE RU The Hellhound is a true nightmare for the player! His demonic appearance alone can make adventurers shake in their boots and his weight of about 80 kg (roughly 176 lb) makes for an impressive build. ...
Lava Golem 20.04.2014 12:00 In other languages: DE RU Players who first encounter the Lava Golem in Risen 3: Titan Lords will shudder in fear! While these creatures are usually alone or in pairs, they are nonetheless very dangerous. Due to the enormous...