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04.09.2010 10:00 [Profiles] Jennifer Pankratz
Amadeus Weidmann | Andreas Menkhoff | André Braun | André Hotz | André Thiel | Björn Pankratz | Daniel Kozakowski | Gavin | Harald Iken | Horst Dworczak | Jennifer Pankratz | Kristoffer Lerch | Kurt Pelzer | Marc Bongers | Mario Röske | Michael Rüve | Mike Hoge | Milad Sadinam | Nuno Leiria | Paul Springfeld | Philipp Krause | Quy Hoang | Roman Keskenti | Sascha Henrichs | Stefan Kalveram | Sven Dekubanowski | Victor Karp |

Jennifer Pankratz, née Gartmann

Job at Piranha Bytes?
QA-Manager, documentation and others


Studying for certified social education worker in Essen.

Jobs so far
As social worker I worked a few months at an asylum for mentally ill people, two years in a prison and one year at the Workers' Welfare Association in delegation for the youth welfare service.
I'm the quality woman at PB since October, 2008. Great!

Worked at the following games

Favourite music?
I can always listen to the music from the 80s, especially wave stuff.

Favourite games?
Gothic 2 + AddOn, Monkey Island 2, Dead Space, Fallout 3 and Risen of course!
"Somewhere deep in the carrebean"
"Somewhere deep in... didn't we already have that somewhere?"

What are your strengths?
I have an optimistic attitude, are curious and patient.

What do you dislike?
Ticks! As child I wanted a movie where ticks mutated and... well... let's not go into it.

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Björn, soccer, festivals, good parties, lakes, walks in the forest (especially at nigth), eat tapas and computer- and console games - of course!

What would you like to see in a game for once?
A cyberspace multiplayer mode in a good fantasy roleplaying game. It would be like a time travel with someone of my choice.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
No, there are always more ideas than time to realise them.

  written by foobar