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09.03.2014 10:00 [Profiles] Daniel Kozakowski
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Daniel Kozakowski

Job at Piranha Bytes?


Bachelor at applied computer science

Jobs so far?
Archeologist, cop, bareknuckle champion, pirate captions, maked avenger, jedi knight and chosen one.

Worked on which games?
Hobby stuff

Favourite music?
Punk, Rock, Acoustic and Scooter

Favourite games?
Warcraft 3 ? after 12 years still a great game
Final Fantasy 7-12 ? great!
Fifa/Pro Evo ? nothing better than football¹, rage attacks and gloating
Diablo 2 ? feels like I spent the better half of my life with it
Ultimate Tron 2 for the good old C64 ? unfortunately, you cannot play it alone and I seem to be the only fan
Super Mario Kart for the SNES ? looking back I?d say that my 12th birthday was the best one thanks to this great game. Despite my best time of 1:02 minutes in Mario Circuit 1 it was never good enough for world class. :/

What are your strengths?
I can exaggerate much better than anyone else!

What do you dislike??
Top Ten:
10. Slow drivers on the left lane²
9. barley broth
8. Multiplayer game with high luck factor
7. Pretending art or wine connoisseurs
6. Cristiano Ronaldo! Especially his ?calm down, now I am here? and spread free kick pose
5. endless wipers
4. Judo, skiing, cycling ? especially at the Olympic Games
3. Inpolite, unfriendly or bad people
2. Masses of humans (because more of 3.)
1. FC Bayern München³

What do you like? What are your hobbies?
I like football¹! What?s better than to yell while drinking beer, be it because of anger or excitement? Especially Borussia Dortmund, FC Barcelona and Lionel Messi draw me in.
Other than that I worship boxing and my guitar, but don?t get to do it at the moment due to lack of time.
Chess! No luck but skill ? top.

What would you like to see in a game for once?
Nothing that wasn?t there before: Love and enthusiasm of the developers

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
If need be, I just ask someone. There are enough people sitting around me.

Notes from translator:
¹ Americans: Soccer
² In Germany, unlike the USA for instance, it?s not allowed to pass other vehicles on right lane. So if someone drives slowly on the left lane, he or she blocks all the people behind him/her.
³ It?s a football¹ thing. He does not like that specific club.

  written by foobar