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01.11.2010 11:29 [Profiles] Roman Keskenti
Amadeus Weidmann | Andreas Menkhoff | André Braun | André Hotz | André Thiel | Björn Pankratz | Daniel Kozakowski | Gavin | Harald Iken | Horst Dworczak | Jennifer Pankratz | Kristoffer Lerch | Kurt Pelzer | Marc Bongers | Mario Röske | Michael Rüve | Mike Hoge | Milad Sadinam | Nuno Leiria | Paul Springfeld | Philipp Krause | Quy Hoang | Roman Keskenti | Sascha Henrichs | Stefan Kalveram | Sven Dekubanowski | Victor Karp |

Roman Keskenti

Job at Piranha Bytes?
Programming: UI, music, effects, filesystem, this and that

(let me calculate...) 33

High school diploma (3.0), incomplete studies for media informatics.

Jobs so far
Network admin (IBM), programmer (CodeCuld), programmer (Wings)

Worked on the following games
Gothic I, Mercenaries, Gothic III

Favourite music?
Rock, pop, metal, indy, house, depending on my mood. Currently: Built to Spill

Favourite games?
Final Fantasy, WipeOut, Warcraft 3

What are your strengths?
Do I have some? That's for others to decide...

What do you dislike?
Smartasses like myself

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Programming, festivals, badminton, martial arts

What would you like to see in a game for once?
A new genre

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?
No, especially in the programming of games, there's always something new to discover. I am more afraid that I won't be able to try out everything that I have in my head.

  written by foobar