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01.11.2010 18:09 [Profiles] Stefan Kalveram
Amadeus Weidmann | Andreas Menkhoff | André Braun | André Hotz | André Thiel | Björn Pankratz | Daniel Kozakowski | Gavin | Harald Iken | Horst Dworczak | Jennifer Pankratz | Kristoffer Lerch | Kurt Pelzer | Marc Bongers | Mario Röske | Michael Rüve | Mike Hoge | Milad Sadinam | Nuno Leiria | Paul Springfeld | Philipp Krause | Quy Hoang | Roman Keskenti | Sascha Henrichs | Stefan Kalveram | Sven Dekubanowski | Victor Karp |

Stefan Kalveram

Job at Piranha Bytes?


Well, I have a highschool diploma.

Jobs so far

Worked on the following games
Gothic 2 Addon
Gothic 3

Favourite music?
Currently Prog-Rock from the 70s.

Favourite game?
Doppelkopf :-)
No, honestly, I don't have a favourite game. But Doppelkopf gets pretty close. It's as in many things: Small game, lots of gameplay = good game!

What are your strengths?
I have a thick pelt (not only because of the beard )
[Translator's note: Stefan is making a pun here. To have a thick pelt is idiomatic in German for being able to endure a lot without feeling offended. A similar phrase in English is to have a thick skin.]

What do you dislike?
People without humour.

What do you like, what are your hobbies?
Gaming (board games, card games, roleplaying and computer games), soccer and listening to music. A sociable beer and good food are also interesting.

What would you like to see in a game for once?
I would like to see more games that you can play in Coop with a campaign.

Are you afraid to run out of ideas for games?

  written by foobar